Monday, July 26, 2010

Taiwan vs. Cruise

At the end of the Spring semester I was presented with the choice between going to Taiwan and going on a cruise, with over 20 members of my family, since they were both in the month of July. I'll admit before that I was kind of skeptic between going on the cruise and coming to Taiwan. If it were not for the scholarship that MTSU provided for me, then I probably wouldn't have come. Now looking back, I do not regret my decision at all. From all of the food I've eaten, things I've seen and heard and most importantly the new friends I have made I do not regret this decision one bit. As of now, I admit I do want to go home a bit but would not mind in the least if I could stay another few days to truly say goodbye to my new friends here. As of now it is 6:25AM and class starts at 9:10AM. I am very excited to see what will happen during class today and at closing ceremony tonight. Dr. Jih wants us to do something special and hopefully everyone can deliver. I will do my best and I will be a lasting memory for everyone here in Taiwan in July 2010.

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