Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Comments about 7/20 Morning Lecture

Today's lecture was interesting especially about how there might be a double dip or another great world recession which is a scary thought. However when it came to the European Union being in trouble with Greece, Spain, and Portugal, I believe that the EU should have imposed higher controls or been more strict when it comes to regulating those countries economies. Ever since Greece defaulted or bankrupted, this will create a chain reaction with the poorer countries in the Union thinking that since the richer nations bailed out Greece, then they can get a bailout as well. Which leads to them not trying as hard to get out of debt and just kind let things go as they are. That kind of attitude will not help the EU or the world economy at all. Like I mentioned earlier it creates a chain reaction, Greece is apart of the EU which is I think the world's largest economy. While not one country is the largest by far, all of them together as one European Union have the a large if not largest part when it comes to the World Economy. As for the next few years being a double dip or another great recession, I am hoping for a slow but always steady world economy improvement but the way things are going, it is more than likely going to be a double dip in my opinion hopefully it won't though.

1 comment:

  1. This was probably was of the best lectures ever. Unfortunately reality struck really hard and the fear of a double dip is something I don't even want to imagine..
